i was so set on keeping this up more regularly when i first started and now it's already mid-june and i haven't updated since the end of may.
we've been busy and having fun.
early june brought the krugers back into town. it's been awesome having them here.
this past weekend:
friday night was spent celebrating melissa's birthday. a great time had...as well as way too many drinks.
saturday, once i finally felt semi-human - we found a cool new park in bloomington that g loved. it's called "chutes and ladders". it was totally like that board game. windy slides, lots of climbing and he really was being adventurous, so that was good to see.
we followed that up with dinner at a place on the light rail line...and of course g sat there in amazement the whole time watching the trains.
sunday dan and i celebrated our 6 year anniversary. laura, lee and mallory were kind enough to take griffin with them to the zoo and keep him for the afternoon, so dan and i spent the day canoeing, hiking, picnicking and even hit the local swimming pool. a really great day to just enjoy each others company and remember what life what like before having a child (i think we spent time talking about him, of course...but nice to have times like that)
of course the train obsession continues. we got griffin's room all together and he's loving it. we have pictures on his walls of train things that we've taken through the last year or two. we also got one of those big yellow RR signs as well as the white crossbucks that say railroad crossing.
the first night he slept in there with the photos on the wall he said goodnight to each and every train photo.
"good night trolley"
"good night osceola train"
"good night jackson street round house"
pretty cute.
so a couple of break-throughs this week:
miss yvonne has been reporting that griffin has been trying fruits lately. i half didn't believe her because we try ALL.THE.TIME. to get him to eat fruits and veggies.
so, last night we gave him watermelon and he exclaimed that it tasted just like candy! and he proceeded to eat the whole dish.
and apparently he had the same sentiment about kiwi too.
the other thing is he spent all evening playing with the neighbor kid last night. this is a big deal because typically he doesn't want to play with many other kids...he just wants to hang out with mom and dad (which of course we love...but we try to encourage playing with other kids too). now granted - they had an electric train setup in the basement and apparently he spent the whole time laying on the floor watching it go around and around...but griffin asked if he could go over there and play and he was there about an hour and a half!
dan and i didn't know what to do with ourselves...we sat outside for awhile waiting for him to come out at any moment...but after awhile, we decided to go do our own thing and managed to get our exercise and dishes done. this socializing thing could be a whole new world for us!
the neighbor reported that griffin sang them the entire song of "folsom prison" by johnny cash. even the "i shot a man in reno, just to watch him die" part. ooops.
i think the train at the beginning of the song is what turned him onto it.
so, that pretty much sums it up.
dan's good - taking a bit of a running break until he gets his knee looked at. still signed up for some half marathons though. work is still at 80% for him - but they are hopeful it'll come around after summer (fridays off aren't too bad...it's just getting used to the reduced pay that still needs to be worked out)
my job is busy and stable and i continue to love it. and i still don't love running.