Wednesday, July 23, 2008

mama ok?

so, i had a little accident. rollerblading accident to be specific.
after months of my co-workers asking me to go blading with them each monday (of course this is after i talk up the fact that i rollerblade and how much i just love it..)...they were probably tired of my excuses, so they said they were coming to my house and we'd go from there. uhhh..crap. guess i can't get out of this. (unless i am going to drop $600 on another last minute trip to boise to get out of yet another sporting event that i don't want to do..)

anyway, we head out. i'm feeling good. we go around lake nokomis a few times. no sweat. we are going to attempt to head down to harriet via the parkway. rather than get onto the path the normal way, i lead them through neighborhoods and finally to a path that leads down to the parkway. very steep, very windy and lots of debris on the path. great. just what i'm so good at...hills, braking and avoiding debris. (all my enemies)

i proceed down with the brake on. wind up hitting some of the debris in the path, my brake comes up, i start going way too fast and i can't brake in time. i hit some bark/sticks and fall.

trying to put the embarrassment aside, i brush off and say.."i'm good. let's keep going"(hell, i'm pert near down the hill at this point...mission accomplished).
my co-workers take a look at me (shaking, quivering and dirty wounds) and say we better head back. "no, no...really, i'm ok!" uh..we head back. we had already gone about 9 miles so no one felt the need to continue.

this hurts like a total MF. i scraped up my elbow and my shin area pretty bad. total road rash. it looks awful and stings really bad. i'm not able to sleep that well because the sheets iritate it and unless i take a bunch of advil, its quite sore.

now, of course the first thing that crosses my mind after falling: "sweet, now i have an excuse to get out of the rollerblade race i'm doing next sunday!"
but i suppose i just need to get right back up and on them. i could make excuses forever on why i don't want to exercise...but after just getting on the scale...i need to keep this exercise thing going.

the sweet relief in all of this...griffin is such a doll. each time he sees my gross puss-ridden wounds, he says in a sweet little voice, "mama ok?" then he comes over, gives me a hug and says, "there you go mama, there you go". (just like he does when he's putting his penguin "pengy", bunny and bear "maca" to bed.).
he makes the pain a bit more bearable.

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