Wednesday, September 17, 2008

rainy weekend

things here are good.
let's see - this past weekend was a good (and rainy) one.
friday we hung out with friends...dinner over at beth and jasons. griffin really likes his bud, jimmy. he's been talking about him all week. their new baby george is getting big!
on saturday dina, jessica (m), griffin and myself went downtown for the james page blubber run
. a 5k with the main emphasis on wearing costumes, having fun and drinking beer! kind of race.
it started raining right before the race started and i zipped up the rain cover protector on the jogger stroller. griffin hated it. he screamed his head off to let him out. i'm running along and people are staring and pointing and saying, "oh, poor kid...he doesn't want to be here". so...i sent jessica and dina along there way, thinking i wasn't going to finish (and miss my free beer along the way? gasp!)
anyway...after a few minutes of consoling g, it stopped raining and we continued on with no more trouble. (and the rain cover OFF!) i wanted to walk at a couple of points, but griffin would yell at me to "go faster mama! keep running!" ok...i guess. quicker to get to the beer.
anyway, it was a good time and a fun way to get some training under my belt.

while we were running, dan had to be at the doctors office getting some moles removed. he has 15 moles they will be removing and biopsying over the course of the next few weeks. keep good thoughts that they wont be deemed "suspicious" and he won't have to have more cutting done!

saturday afternoon g got a haircut. it looks great (photos to come one of these days). this was his VERY FIRST professional haircut. In the past we've chased him around the house with scissors, or dan and dave used the beard trimmer to buzz it last time. i think we finally realized its time to leave it to the professionals. we always did a hack job and even though he still looked was pretty bad.

saturday night we went to "funny pants" lyle and dina's house to celebrate lyle's birthday. good times as always catching up with friends. and fantastic food! who doesn't love a taco bar?

sunday dina, jes and i attempted to bike the 1st loop for the iron girl duathalon, but it was pouring down rain. instead we drove the's quite hilly. shit.

so in other updates, the iron girl is this sunday. i'm nervous..but it'll be fun. we ran around nokomis last night and even though i was dying...i made it. so, i'm fairly sure i'll be able to do the running portion without stopping.

tonight i have my exciting root canal. i can't wait.
tomorrow dan and i have a date night and are going to see neko case at first ave. looking forward to it. g will hang out with pete, kim and burke.
this coming weekend will be pretty low key...we may do the bike loop friday night after work, and then saturday will be my day of rest.

so last but certainly the most exciting...i think i can say with full confidence that GRIFFIN IS POTTY TRAINED!! he's been so great at this and hasn't had any accidents for a few weeks now. we started this journey on august 4 and he seems to have the hang of it down solid now. he still needs some help not making a huge mess, but it's worth it to not buy pampers anymore. this week his new trick is standing up to pee. oh, the fun that will come with this. wall scrubbing and lots of clothes changing...but the extra bubbles that one makes when they stand...that in g's totally worth it.
we have 5 more pull-ups for nightime, and as soon as those are done...he'll be not wearing them at night anymore. i hope that transition goes just as smooth.

the landfills can now thank us for not contributing anymore dipes. i think if we had another kiddo i would consider looking into cloth. when you think about how many diapers one child's INSANE.

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