Tuesday, August 26, 2008

pee and treats

well, day 1 of the underwear wearing was successful!
g peed a couple of times in his undies at miss y's, but also went on the toilet too.

then, for our proud parent moment (well, dan's...because i wasn't home to witness)...he has finally peed on the toilet for us! he did it twice last night! and seemed to be excited about it and told dan when he had to go!

dan called me and told me and griffin said in his sweetest little voice, "went pee on toilet and got treats!"

indeed he did. 2 m&m's for each pee.
red and blue for the first go around. and blue and orange for the 2nd time.

our little man is growing up. it's the cutest thing to see him running around in his little undies! he seems like such a big man...with a cute little butt! (ok, if he reads this when he's older, he'll be mad at me for talking about his cute bootie)

way to go my sweet little man. i remember when we brought you home and you were wearing the good-smelling newborn sized pampers...and they were still a little big and we'd have to pull the sides real tight to stay on.
i remember how when you moved into a size 1 pamper, we were amazed at how quickly you were growing.
now your running around in size 2T UNDERWEAR!!! Where has the time gone, my sweet little precious baby? i love you so much, and when i think of all of the things you've done and learned since then, i am so overcome with pride and happiness and feel incredibly lucky to have such a healthy, happy, smart and sweet little bird.

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